Joey Pollari- Inbetweeners - 2012 MTV

A reader just alerted me to this scene from last night and all I can say is ... Wow. Not even a dream scene!


  1. It is Joey Pollari. I recognize him from the Disney Channel movies he's done. Thanks for posting this. He's a cutie.

  2. Must have been a weird shoot. "Okay now you keep walking we're just gonna film your crotch."

    1. What's weird about that? That's how all shows should end :-)

    2. Oh I'm not complaining, believe you me, it just seems kinda funny how much of a focus they're putting on it. Its like they're saying "Holy crap look he's totally wearing tighty whities isn't that soooooo embarassing here close up LOOK."

  3. Has someone seen this episode ? What happened to him, before ? And what happens after ?

    1. I watched it. Basically he gets sick from riding on buses and wears some metal bracelet to help. After the field trip is over and they are going back to the school he gives it to the girl because he likes her and thinks he can overcome his sickness. Well he doesn't. Let's just say things get very nasty in the bathroom and his clothes are ruined. So he has to walk out in his underwear and when he sits down he takes the bracelet back. That ends the episode.

    2. Yep ... I think that V will agree with me that I did everyone a favor by not capping the scenes just prior to the undie scene.

    3. Yes you did. I had watched the episode and the moments before were far from sexy lol

  4. Just remind me a french movie we must ad in the request list "Coup de tĂȘte". The main actor, Patrick Dewaere, argue with his boss, while the boss's wife is in the office. He's fired and the way he finds to protest is to strip ! "Anything i get belongs to you, so i give it back to you !" He wears white briefs. What's funny is that the boss and the woman are embarrassed, not the guy in briefs. Then is leaves the office and walk in the factory under applause of women employees.

    1. Thanks Fren! Consider it added!

    2. Here is the scene i am describing :

  5. Wow - what an utterly humiliating scene that must have been to shoot. Would have been far less mortifying had some of the gals not been soooooo hot. How does an actor even sleep the night before, knowing that in 12-14 hours, you're going to be in a packed bus in your underwear, making a total fool of yourself?

  6. Don't agree. Exposing your skin to the all set and then to the audience may be unconfortable for are an actor... but can't be compared to the embarrassment of been caught in your underwear, the secret piece of clothes nobody is supposed to see. (I mean, before that strange "bagging pants" fashion). So anyone know this is acting and the white briefs have ben chosen by someone in the costume staff. That situation tell nothing about the kind of underwear you, as a real guy, wear when are dressed. Been caught in your real underwear is so different. It tells what kind a guy you are, in a way very few people (doctors, lovers, etc.) is supposed to see.

    1. Interesting observation. On a different note: I've always wondered if screenwriters and/or TV scriptwriters pen such scenes in order to "satisfy" some personal prurient desire on their part. Some "underwear embarrassment" scenes are downright gratuitous in their humiliation.

    2. There is certainly validity to what you're saying. To an actor, the "bus scene" (above) is just part of his job, and like all jobs in society, sometimes a person just has to "grin and bear it." But as a regular guy, it still has to be very embarrassing to shoot such a scene and then casually interact with the female cast members and women on the set afterward. There is a very real human element to it, despite it being a job. Having said that: everyone is different, of course, Some actors, undoubtedly would complete such a scene with aplomb and nary a thought afterward, while others may very well obsess over it with much hand wringing and dread.

    3. I mean he pulls them off pretty well. Also, what could possibly be gratuitous about close up of a guy's crotch?

    4. "Gratuitous" in terms of the general scenario: An episode in which he has to walk in his undies, through a bus packed with loads of his female classmates - most or all of whom he'll have to see tomorrow morning in math and history class. What a nightmare that would be! A rather extreme public embarrassment, to say the least.

    5. Yes, I agree that truly being caught unexpectedly in nothing but your underwear is very embarrassing! However, I think that it would still have to be very uncomfortable for an actor to play a scene is his underwear ... after all, even though he may not be wearing his "own" underwear, he is standing there for all eyes to see him in just underwear. Even it's his "character's" tighty-whities, it's still HIM standing there in tighty-whities. Yikes! I've wondered what I would do if I was an actor and had to do a scene in underwear ... really don't think I could, especially knowing that -- once on film -- the entire world would see me in just my undies!!!
