James Bullard - Ken Park - 2002

Hmmmm ... what to say about this movie. It's a Larry Clark (Bully, Kids) movie but it makes both of those films seem tame. The movie features a LOT of full frontal nudity (male and female), un-simulated sex, a relatively well known actor (James Ransone - the wire) fully nude, fully erect, masturbating in close up shots, while choking himself with money shot included. There are threesomes, incest, oral sex all graphically shown and performed by the cast. There is murder, suicide and most likely a three legged dog named lucky running around. Is it a good movie? I'm still not sure, but it does hold your interest. There isn't a strong narrative like Bully and Clark spends so much time trying to shock the audience that it actually becomes somewhat numbing after awhile. So, these are pretty tame caps from the movie BUT they are still more sexually explicit than what I usually post so I guess proceed at your own risk. Finally, there are so many caps I will probably split the post so if you think the guy is ugly you are out of luck twice (like poor seth green). If anyone else has seen this movie I would be interested in what you guys thought. Oh, interestingly enough, this is the only credit to this guys name. I guess when your first film puts you in a three way with a girl and a guy and you actually engage in sex acts in the movie who wants to go make a PG-13 film. I think he is now in a band.
Oh, and in this scene he is having sex with his girlfriends mom, because that is what you do in a Larry Clark film

Chris Meloni - "Oz" - NSFW

If you're going to be a sociopath you might as well look good in your briefs (that makes no sense, but it's 4:18am so it's the best I can come up with right now).

Silent Library - "Leaf Blower" - MTV

 I know everyone said the guys must have to wear tighty whities but they must have some choice cause there are a bunch of guys that wear boxer briefs on the show. I am just going to my happy place where they choose to  wear tighty whities all the time. If this doesn't get at least one "OMG" I give up!

                                            I think I just found my new favorite show

Stephen Shellen - "Gimme an F" - 1984

This is yet another scene that could only occur in the 80's. Guy at camp notices girls watching in the shower so he strips to briefs and dances. Not to ruin the eroticism of the scene but is anyone else slightly grossed out that he is spinning on his back and laying on his stomach in what is, essentially, the camp bathroom? Shellen has actually had a pretty lengthy acting career and this was one of his first movies. He would have been 27 in this movie. Unfortunately my source material sucks so pics aren't the greatest. Not even sure I should have taken the time to do this one but the scene is pretty iconic. Oh well, if anyone has better pics send them to me and I'll post them.

Oliver Hudson - Rules of Engagement

Thanks to the reader that pointed out the episode season/number for this one. I love Olivers character in this show. I don't know what it says about me but I seem to be attracted to the dim witted guys in comedies (but not in real life). Anyway, cute scene and happy to see briefs being worn by the guy that is supposed to be the attractive one in the group.

"Silent Library" - MTV

My favorite french anonymous reader sent me some great caps to share with you guys. I honestly don't know what is going on here but I also didn't care once the pants came off! Nice looking "real" guy. The same reader has shared some cool french clips with me that i will cap and post over time. How does anyone prefer boxers over briefs??? I blame so many women for always saying guys look like "little boys" in them and how they hate them. Jennifer Aniston is one of the few woman I have heard say that she prefers briefs over boxers. Go Jennifer! (and go make some better movies!). If anyone thinks this guy looks like a "little boy" they need glasses. Hmmm, pics out of sequence for some reason, sorry!

Slowdown ....

There may be a bit of a slowdown over the next week or so due to work intruding on the important things in life. Will likely keep posting daily but if not, it should be a relatively short interruption.

Andrew Stevens and others - "The Boys in Company C" - 1978

                                                                 Love barrack scenes.