Paul Rudd - "This is 40" - 2012

I'll try to improve these in a day or two (zoom in some on Paul) and will no doubt replace them when the official DVD come's out but in the meantime here are some pics of Paul in this tighty whities from the flick.

Devin Crittenden - "Chasing Mavericks" - 2012

Late night skinny dipping (well, swimming in underwear)

Thinking of stopping the site

For a variety of reasons I am considering shutting down the site. If I decide to do this I was wondering if anyone would want to take it over. Or if they wanted to start their own I would leave this site up for quite a while with a link to the new site. This is far from a done decision on my part, I just want to see what options their are if I decide to shut down. I hate when webmasters just stop posting on their site and I never know if they are coming back so I am trying to avoid that.

Zac Efron - "The Paperboy" - 2012 "Rain" pics - Revised and expanded

Seeing pictures of Zac in tighty whities, I simply don't understand how ANYONE can prefer boxers to briefs. First set of pics I tried to zoom in on Zac and 2nd set of pics are the way they were composited in the movie.

Zac Efron - "The Paperboy" - 2012 set 3

I think the pics of Zac in tighty whities and a shirt may be more erotic than ones of him in just the briefs.