Jacob Zachar - "Greek" - 2007


  1. glad your feeling better. Nice return post. I love adorkably cute guys.

  2. Adam, happy to see you again, too.
    Nice scene. Strange thing : it looks as if the guy wears another white briefs under the large one.

  3. Adam, glad you are feeling better!

    Fren, they do that a lot on tv shows because they can't risky anything being seen, so two pairs of underwear are pretty standard.


  4. Yeah they typically make actors wear two pairs of underwear. If you pay close attention to scenes where they are in boxers or whatever you can usually see brieflines

  5. Not gonna lie, I've always been kinda jealous of the actors playing the rest of the floor hockey team, and especially the actor playing the Ref, because they got to have a full view from the front. I know this was an ABC Family show, but it would've been nice if they had also given the audience a view from the front, and if they'd moved the camera closer to him so that he wasn't so far away. This is really wishful thinking, but I also wish they somehow could've shown him without the shirt, so that we'd get a full view of him in just the briefs and see what brand they were.

    1. Im curious what it was like for Jacob Zachar to film this scene, and I wish someone would ask him about it at a Greek reunion at some point. Does he normally wear briefs if real life? If not, what was it like to stand in front of a crowd of people in briefs while they filmed this? Did he have to stay in the briefs all day or could he change to boxers or boxer briefs on breaks and between shots or when they were shooting scenes where he had his shorts pulled up?

  6. Interestingly, this was an early episode of the TV show, and the character was seen in his underwear several times throughout the rest of the series. But later on, he was always in boxers or boxer briefs. Since being seen in your underwear by a gymnasium full of people is a pretty big deal, I wish the show had talked more about this incident in detail (as it is, they pretty much just say that he was disqualified for not wearing a cup, the team loses the game and then the incident is dropped). Did he have a wide variety of underwear types, and he just happened to choose briefs that day? Or did this incident traumatize him so much that he decided to switch to boxers and boxer briefs (or his friends suggested he switch)? I hate when shows have a great big underwear scene like this and then act like it never happened and never mention it again.

    1. IIRC, we did see him in briefs (kind of) in the second episode of the first season. All of the pledges are made to stay in the frat houses' backyard in their pajamas and are supposed to stay awake. Rusty falls asleep, and the other pledges mess with him. This includes cutting holes in the back of his pajama pants, revealing white briefs.

      I'm thinking they made the switch from briefs to boxer-briefs possibly to show Rusty maturing. Not that I think underwear choice has anything to do with maturity level, but Rusty starts the show as a socially awkward, naive young man and we see him grow as the series progresses until he becomes the leader of the frat house. It felt like the series was showing that by having him start out in tighty whities and end up in boxer-briefs. Then again, I could be reading into it way too much.

  7. Can someone who has seen this show explain exactly how this pantsing happened? Did someone intentionally pull his shorts down? Or did it happen accidentally? I can't figure out how it would happen if it was accidental, since he was lying horizontally rather than vertically, and I doubt very much that the shorts would slip down easily if he were horizontal. It seems like someone would've had to make an effort to pull the shorts down and get them past his legs.

    1. From what I remember, he scored so his teammates threw themselves on top of him. There's no evidence that someone took it as an opportunity to pull down his shorts. The pantsing is supposed to have been an accident.

    2. I just wonder why none of his teammates appear to be reacting to his tighty whities. All of them just seem to have blank expressions on their faces. I think it would've been so much more fun if some of them started laughing when they saw that his pants were down, others could be mouthing things to each other like "he wears tighty whities?" Or, after this scene, they could've had some of his teammates giving him a hard time about his underwear choice after the game. They could've brought it up again in subsequent episodes, and had his friends suggest to him that he get some boxers so that something like this doesn't happen again. Instead, they kind of just let this scene drop and it doesn't really go anywhere. I feel like they really missed out on an opportunity to really make this an embarrassing moment for the character.

  8. One of the best parts about this scene is the way that the ref looks like he practically sticks his face in Rusty's crotch. He definitely looks like he's getting a very good and very close peak at Rusty's tighty whitie underwear. I wonder if he has some sort of underwear/embarrassment fetish where he has a fetish for embarrassing the guys by drawing attention to the type of underwear that they're wearing and calling them out for wearing the wrong kind of undies.
