Terry W. Farren - "Final Exam" - 1981 pt. 2

Forgot to publish this set of pics. Set 1 and the video are somewhere on the blog.

What will happen to this sad little blog when I run out of stuff to post

The blog is experiencing middle age ennui knowing it's best posts are likely behind it, and that younger, more ambitious blogs with gifs and videos will supplant it, leaving it a relic of the past. This post comes to you from the maker of Ambien,

Zac Efron short interview about the paperboy.

Advocate: Matthew McConaughey, your Paperboy costar, helped design his thong for Magic Mike. Did you help select your white briefs?
Zac Efron: I did, yeah. It’s a period movie, so there weren’t really a lot of choices. Initially, I wondered if my character would even wear underwear at all. But that would’ve been a very different movie.
Advocate: Screen grabs of you in wet undies made quite an impression in the gay blogosphere, but your presence on gay blogs is certainly nothing new.
Zac Efron: It’s very flattering. After High School Musical and Hairspray, I’ve always felt embraced by the gay community, and I feel incredibly grateful and honored. This is actually a very special interview for me. I’m extremely aware of the support I’ve gotten from you guys over the years, and it’s amazing that it’s taken this long to sit down and actually discuss it, but please know that it hasn’t gone unappreciated. I’m so excited to be talking to you.

Jason Thompson - Instagram pic

Reader just pointed this out so I thought I would post for posterity in case it gets taken down. Funny, I just watched him last week in a cheap horror movie (wishmaster 4) and then tried (unsuccessfully) to see if he had done any movie scenes in briefs (Say what you will about the movie, he looked great in it). Anyway, apparently he is better known for "General Hospital."

                                                                          wishmaster 4 pics

Prison for Children

Was finally able to watch this movie. Wow ... I once read that this was the underwear movie to end all underwear movies and I have to say I agree. Think this movie has more scenes of guys in white briefs than any other movie I can think of. Even when they are getting their initial jail haircuts they are in their underwear. Hard to believe this was a (1987) TV movie.

Richard Gere - Bloodbrothers

28 year old Richard Gere. Get out of the way kid!