Jack Noseworthy - "Poster Boy" - 2006

Another one I thought I posted. I love this guy but wish my source was better (and the scenes were lighter). Anyone got better pics of this scene?

Justin timberlake - modeling session

Pics were reader suggestion. Think the words below were from Timberlakes twitter feed?

Justin Timberlake Real men #cantlivewithout tighty whities 

Arthur Moncla and RĂ©mi Bresson - "Juste un peu de reconfort" - 2004 - video

The French really do seem to produce some of the most beautiful young men (IMHO)

Recruits - 1986

Not much to see here.

John Nicotine - "Cowboy stripping to superman briefs" - Youtube

Pretty self-explanatory, especially the guys nick-name (hot guy but he is going to cough himself into the hospital ward ...)

Reese Madigan - "American Shaolin" - 1991

Posted this video awhile ago but realized I never put up pics. This scene deserves both pics and vid. During a martial arts fight one of the guys depants the other guy. The crowd roars with laughter while the guy just lays there like an idiot. He finally scampers away from the crowd, dignity (not) intact.

 Going for the belt!