Jon-Eric Hexum

Free pointed these out. Anyone know what they are from? Or where to get them without the watermark covering him up?


  1. Thks so much, Adam to make my whish reality. I hope we will find quickly the source of those black and withies jewels.

  2. Perhaps it was from the TV movie "Making of a Male Model"?

    1. I really feel like you are right but, TV movies are such a pain to find.

    2. Sorry guys but I am gonna make you cry, or at least I did. Jon-Erik Hexum takes off his pants in "Making of a Male Model" but the underwear is not shown. It's shown from the waist up. A man in tighty whities was too risque for 1983 television?

  3. I just one of these pictures on tumblr, and am in the process of trying to track down the origin. They're definitely not from Making of a Male Model; I watched it avidly, and outside a very quick series of still photos of him in a black speedo, we get no underwear from him that (he specially complains to Joan Collins when she tells him to change out in the open for a photo shoot that, "I'm not wearing anything underneath!"). I guess it's possible they could be publicity photos from the MoaMM, but I don't think so. It seems unlikely that they're from Voyager, and I thought I saw every episode of Cover Up he did, and I DEFINITELY would have remembered this scene. The fact that they're in black and white suggests they're from a photo shoot? Maybe from the article they did on him in Playgirl (though I don't believe they used these pictures in the magazine, if so). If I sound obsessed, it's cause I AM... Hexum was the hottest man to ever live, far as I'm concerned. Such a shame we lost him so young, in such a tragic way.

    1. My hypothesis is that these are photos taken during the filming of the scene from Making of a male Model.
      The video is now on Youtube, for those who are curious: The scene is at about 1:30. The image is framed so that we do not see the underwear, but we can recognize the painting and the green plant behind the actor. As said Mark, the character is supposedly going commando. But we can just see a little white fabric when he raises his leg.
      I like this kind of situation, because we can imagine that the underwear is the one worn by personal choice by the actor. It's not on screen, but the entire crew sees him in this outfit. And indeed John-Erik Hexum was splendid. What a shame to leave so young.
