Fernando Hevia - Pixeles

Short film a reader found.

Real Guy?

I suspect I stole this from Captain Colds awesome site but I didn't label it so who knows?

? - Military

I have no idea what this is. I had is saved in a blank folder ... I figured I had already posted it but wasn't sure. I assume a reader referred me to it so ... anyone know what this is?


I am going to try to get some stuff posted. The majority of it is from readers sightings so thanks to all of you. I have been (and continue to be) distracted by reality soI haven't been great about labeling things etc when I have saved them so if anyone has anything to add to the posts feel free. I had some stuff that I wasnt sure if I posted or not so if I double post apologies. On the the posting ...

Taylor Kitsch - Waco

So, it's been awhile between posts. I appreciate that people have continued to post their sightings for everyone on the group and I hope to eventually get around to posting them. For now, a reader was kind enough to send me in some caps last week so I wouldn't to post them. Thanks Adam!  Hope everyone is doing well.