Liam James - Deadly Class

An exercise in frustration! Camera man needs to be fired! Attempted 3 way.

About that poster ...

So some weirdo likes to pop in here and post "pedophile" on a regular basis. supposedly this is because I posted (and immediately removed when I found out his age) a pic of a 17 year old actor in his briefs. While it is obviously legal to post a pic of a 17 year in underwear (especially when it is from a movie) I have a hard and fast rule of sticking to 18 and up. Anyway, just ignore his comments.. when I see them I remove them. It takes me one click and isn't a big deal. Thanks.

Christopher Abbott

Probably a reader find. Not sure what this is from. Any ideas?


Probably a reader find but I forget. Who is this?


Reader find