
Source: https://superhero-briefs.tumblr.com Some of these have probably been posted but if you like super-heros in briefs the tumbler above has a lot of them.

Anniversary (of sorts)

So many blogs come and go so I waas curious how long this one has been around. Turns out, it has been over a decade. Which is kind of impressive. I didn't start it, but I think the originator of the site would be happy it is still around. Honestly, I am still surprised there is enough material for semi-regular updates. A word of warning though, I don't save any of this stuff so if anything were to ever happen to the site everything will be lost. So, always save stuff you really want. Anyway, here's to 10 (?) more years! Since it is somewhat of anniversary what are people's favorite post? Or most unexpected? Or came to this site for the first time and found something you had been seeking out?