TV/Movie sightings 10/15/2022

Post your sightings here. Even if i can't find them to cap others may benefit.


  1. Not a movie/TV sighting, but you should check out Cody Fern’s recent Instagram post! @codyfern

  2. I don’t know if you’ve seen this already, but there’s a hot video on YouTube of porn actors trying to crush eggs with their butts, and they’re all wearing tighty whities:

  3. There is a quick scene in the new Halloween movie when the antagonist is changing. It is on Peacock

  4. In Life as a House (2001), during the opening scenes, Kevin Kline gets out of bed in white briefs

  5. John Bobbit wears TWs in his Uncut porn.

  6. Hard to believe it ! I notice an absolutely inexplicable oversight on this amazing site : Bryan Cranston has given the world so many appearances in tighty whities, in the series Malcolm in the middle ( but also in Breaking bad. His briefs even became a kind of emblem for this remarkable series.

  7. I watched "Summer of '85" the sort of French answer to "Call Me By Your Name" hoping this one would get right what the other failed, namely a lot of scenes in white briefs, only to be discouraged at finding many scenes where the main characters are in boxers! Despite the time period in which it is set! I would say it would be the perfect movie for guys who come from the other side of the fence lol. It is not all a lost cause though, as there are scenes of the two youths naked from behind and early on in the film one of them takes off his shorts to reveal either a speedo or skimpy colored briefs.
