Austin Abrams - Wolfs


Might as well throw these up as well. Saw them on dreamcap site and a poster mentioned, "I guess it depends on the project. Austin said his infamous musical number on season 2 of Euphoria originally had him in tighty whiteys, which worried him and he was relieved when they swapped them out for the gold tights instead."


  1. saw these in the trailer today he's so cute-- how do you get on dreamcaps it won't let me register

    1. Honestly, I dont know. It may be a closed system - admin

  2. Anyone see Luke James in Them season 2: The Scare?

  3. Jeff Bridges' tighty whities from The Big Lebowski are up for auction:

  4. For colored brief fans nice sighting at 1:57 mark of his vid

  5. This movie is out on Apple TV now. This guy is on screen a LOT in his underwear. About 48 minutes in to about 56 minutes in.


  7. I just saw it late. It's not the movie of the year, but it's not the worst either. And especially this character who spends half the movie in his underwear! There are so many images, close-ups sometimes. A lot to tell.
    At the beginning it's just an inanimate body in a hotel room. I wonder if there's a mannequin or maybe an extra. There's no point in having the real actor for this 25-minute sequence.
    Then there's the chase scene, almost 10 minutes. Austine Abrams is so cute. This time, he did not hesitate to perform in this embarrassing outfit, but which he wears so advantageously.
    During the credits, they show a supposed video surveillance scene when the accident happens: he jumps on the bed in his underwear, a few more minutes.
    In the Apple TV bonuses we see a making-of image of the stunt with the car filmed in the studio:
    Plus the making-of images revealed before the film was even released.
    I bet that one of the film's writers is a regular on this site and wanted to please us. Let's thank him.
