Griffin Frazen - "Grounded for life" - 2005

Good embarrassment scene. Actor looks pretty young here but I checked and he would have been 18.


  1. Love this one. The fact that they actually had him in tighty whities was perfect. If they'd have done it with boxers (like you would expect in 2005) it just wouldn't have worked.

    1. With tightly whities she was able to see his bulge

  2. Hi Adam. It seams you are little better. That makes me happy.
    Glad to see new posts of course. By the way, did I ever quoted an old french serie called Commissaire Moulin ? An episode (S01 Ep13) has several uncredible sightings. The main character, a hot police officer played by Yves Renier is ill and exposes himself in tighty whities in front of serveral collegues and in front of his doctor, which is a lady. No embarrassement at all.
    We were in 1980, just before white briefs began to be bad considered in France. Later, no guy would be exposed in thighties, except for being humiliated. Scenes are around 10'30, 14 and 44'30.
    Enjoy guys :o)

    1. Thanks Fren. That was a good recommendation too ... will cap these for sure, thanks.

  3. Ahhh, I Miss my high school days.


    1. In middle school two girls rushed into the boys locker room, looked around, grabbed me(I was one of the closest to the door) and dragged me out into the gym in my white gym t-shirt and briefs. There was a whole girls gym class in there. I was so embarrassed and excited.

  4. Another french sighting. In 1998 only, white briefs begin to come... out the closed. The movie was called "Man is a woman" and the character was a nice gay bachelor.
    You can see two scenes : 2'45 and 11'20. The actor is by the way a TV personality Antoine De Caunes, and looks much younger than is really is. He was 45 playing this character. Today he is more yhan 60. Hard to believe !
    Looks like a nice person.

    Something else i found thanks to Youtube :
    I don't speak japanese, so have no idea about what tv show it comes from. But anyone can understand the situation. Poor quality but worthes to be seen.

  5. Has anyone tried to get the bar robbery scene from the movie "Sordid Lives"? The bartender (dressed in wranglers and a snapfront shirt) is forced to strip to his briefs.

  6. At least he was wearing a shirt and not just the briefs

    1. Would have been better without the shirt

  7. They should have done it without the shirt
