Real Guys - instagram


1 comment:

  1. The first photo is incredible. The owner of the Instagram account (A pure treat) gives some insight into the model, the photographer and the conditions of the photo. Here they are :

    "During World War II, Forrester Dorlac moved from Missouri to Los Angeles with his parents. He went out for gymnastics, and used to work out on Muscle Beach in Santa Monica with the other bodybuilders. A lot of gay men used to come down to watch -- Forrester was straight, but he loved the attention -- and one day in 1946, Bob Mizer invited him to his mother's house in downtown Los Angeles for a photo shoot. It was fun to put on a skimpy posing strap, and recreate the poses of a classical Greek statue. And it was gratifying to realize that guys found him attractive. Forrester returned again and again for 15 photo shoots during the next 14 years, using the stage name Forrester Millard. He also appeared in a Mizer film. Mizer photographed thousands of men but he loved returning to Forrester, his first, and favorite, model."
