Dalton Edward Phillips - igirlfriend

Reader find.


  1. Replies
    1. if you're an amazon prime member you can watch it for free.

  2. Its a movie called igirlfriend. You can catch the pantsing scene in the trailer on YouTube. Theres a few other tighty whitey scenes too!

  3. FYI - Tumblr announced today it will delete ALL adult content off it's site on December 17th...which will likely kill Tumblr off in my opinion. Over half my posts on my tumblr have been flagged already. Changing puritanical times we are facing...

    - captaincold

    1. I saw that too...I imagine their visitor/usage counter is going to drop like the stock market during the depression. I fail to see the point in eliminating the only real reason people come to your site at all. They say they're still going to allow artists and bloggers and such to continue. But I can read and look at art anywhere else I want lol. Between Tumblr and Craigslist it seems like there's been a big push to eliminate anything 'adult'. But just like the torrent sites they've been fighting for decades...you chop off one head, 5 more take it's place.

  4. Pantsing scene with tighty whities! nice haha. reminds me of school

    1. Yup same thing happened to me too back then....between this and "F The Prom" been a lot of movies making me remember embarrassing memories from school lately lol

  5. Since Tumblr is banning mostly everything in a week I went ahead and created a new site! Could I talk you into updating the link to my site on the left side of the page? I've joined the blogpost family so I don't anticipate any issues.


