Leo Howard - Why Women Kill

Great find by reader ... go to this site for original pics:http://dcsmenofthemoment.blogspot.com/2019/09/leo-howard-reid-scott-on-why-women-kill.html


  1. Beautiful.


    This is a music video from the 90s British band Pulp. A guy is shown in colored-briefs and he works at a store that seems only to sell Jockey Y-fronts.

  2. I was shocked when I found out what happened, couldn't imagine this would happen. Never met him or got a chance to learn more about him other than his first name. He was so open about his mental health struggles which I definitely admired him for, even if some assholes on this site tended to not to take this at all seriously. I hope none of that contributed to it. He deserved a lot better, nobody deserves that in fact. He catered to a niche that, lets face it, doesn't get a lot of attention, and so much pleasure as a result. That is a lot to give these days. I will think of him every time I look at porn or put on my underwear.

  3. Does anyone know the brand of undies he is wearing?

    1. They look like Staffords to me

    2. I think they are Kmart's Basic Edition briefs: https://www.kmart.com/basic-editions-men-s-7-pack-briefs/p-046VA92996412P?selectedFilters=Type|Briefs&plpSellerId=Kmart&prdNo=19&blockNo=19&blockType=G19
