Alexander Ludwig


Found this on forum


  1. A bit off topic but does anyone know what happened with the site underwear4men? They've seemed to go offline recently without any announcement.

    1. Looks to be permanent. They have 1999-2022 on the site.

    2. It's a sad day.

    3. Yes it is. It was a good forum, even if posts were rare. Those who run it all these years can be thank.

    4. I think a while ago, in the general discussion forum, someone announced that the owner of the website had passed away and that the site would be taken down eventually if not abruptly

    5. Remember the site "Boxers or briefs" ? Similar sad story after many years the site went down my guess is it's expensive to run big websites..I remember years ago when they shut down "The Sims 2" official site.. rip!

  2. Hopefully it’s only temporary that site for many many years was my go to yeah they stopped excepting visitor pictures around two years ago and I thought that was the beginning of the end but I loved reading all the different boards I loved when people would post things about they’ve seen on television or in a movie I’ll be very very sad if it’s gone permanently
