End is near

 Now that Firefox upgraded their browser and I can no longer cap movies from any streaming sites I am thinking of ending this site. Hard to do updates when I can no longer cap. If anyone has a solution (that is free) I am open to hearing it.


  1. If you are on a Windows PC, you can screencap with the snipping tool (shortcut is CTRL+Shift+S). You can save the snips.

  2. Is there a way that we, your loyal readers, could more easily send you screencaps that we make? Set up a Dropbox or something so that we can screen cap for you and submit. I have success using Chrome to watch Netflix/Hulu/whatever and turning off “hardware acceleration.” Normal screenshots work then.

    1. Genius! This worked! Thanks! - Admin

  3. Please keep this site alive - love it so much. As the poster above commented, we will gladly send in caps if you need them.

  4. So happy from these comments it seems as if this site will live.

  5. I really do hope this site continues, sometimes I dont get to check it every week because of work/kid/life but I really do enjoy this blog and the camaraderie between us TW brothers.
    Maybe also have a weekly post where the users/admin can chat or post about TWs stuff for the week, like if we saw any in real life sightings?

  6. You can try the Brave browser, since it's not fire fox you might have better luck

  7. I can help too, sometimes. Sometimes I take screenshots and I share them with pleasure. So I will be happy to help this site that I have been visiting for at least 10 years. We cannot thank Adam and Adam enough for this work.
    I wish you all a happy new year 2023. I take this opportunity to tell you about something that I hope to see come to fruition in the next two months. I'm trying to recreate a forum space like there was recently with underwear4men board. I'm not very fast or very good, but this work is in progress. It seems like a good idea to split the roles between a photo archive site (and this one is wonderful) and a chat room just for having discussions.
    French Tim

    1. Great idea to start a new forum space. Let us know when ready and I will be glad to announce here as well as create a link to it - Admin
