Stephen Walker - A Wedding Most Strange



  1. Ok I need to know where to buy those briefs!

  2. I watched this whole movie for context, I was just gonna skip and skim but the main character was gay and I guess I'm so starved for queer representation that I got investment in this kinda boring and possibly offensive movie.

    If anyone is wondering the main character is gonna marry one of three random guys to get his homophobic father's inheritance(The will speificed he had to be married)because.... idk sentiment value of better times? Anyways this is one of the guys. The Groom's friends find out about this and start 'interviewing' the potential husbands.

    They walk into his guys room and he's like that. They tell him to come with them and he starts getting dressed and they're like "Don't bother with that, just come on." So he just spends the whole process nearly naked. And no one mentions anything about this character unironically wearing cartoon briefs. I thought it was pretty hot, probably the highlight of the whole movie, honestly.
