Previous Headers

As requesed ... identify in comments


  1. Header 1 (left to right)
    Michael Goorgian - ?
    ? - Weird Science TV show
    ? - ?
    Skeet Ulrich - Nobodys baby?

    Header 2:
    Matt Bomer - AHS
    ?- ?
    ? - Animal something?

    Header 3:
    Zach Efron - ?
    ?- ?
    Shawn Ashmore - Strike
    ? -?

    I know there was at least one other header with Matt Riddle and a few other but I cant find it .. may be lost to history

  2. Michael Goorjian - Deal of a Lifetime - 1999
    Michael Manasseri - "Weird Science"
    Jerry Trainor - "ICarly"
    Skeet Ulrich - "Nobody's Baby" - 2001

    Matt Bomer - American Horror Story - s04
    Sam Vartholomeos - Bridge and Tunnel ep. 2
    Finn Cole - Animal Kingdom S1 ep.2
    Sebastian Stan - Monday

    Zac Efron - "The Paperboy" - 2012
    Shawn Ashmore - Strike
    Elyas M'Barek in Fack Ju Gohte 2

    1. 3rd header, second photo is Karlo Maloča and Nikolas Kos (smiling friend) from Crno-bijeli svijet - there are a few posts on here for it -

  3. You DID it ! Congrats !

  4. Yaaas, this is perfect! Thank you SO much for posting the headers!!!

    And to those identifying the gents: thank you all as well! Then it's possible to find more pictures of these hotties!!!

  5. The Zac Efron pic is from The Paperboy... he spends the majority of that film in his tighty-whities.
