Superheros in their undies 4

Been awhile since i have done one of these so thought I would break the monotony of real people with some comic stuff.
The Human Torch

Franklin Richards?
 Random Victim - Villan wants to have sex with his wife.
 Iron Man


 The Hulk

 The Human Torch

 Starbrand - This guy have a pretty short lived comic but he was in his undies A LOT.

 and sometimes out of them.


  1. Hey Adam,

    Based on your governance of this site, as well as some of your comments/posts, I suspect we're around the same age. Do you mind if I ask? I just turned 36 last week. Name's Kevin. I grew up around the Philly area, now live in Delaware. We seem to have a lot in common!


    1. You got me beat. While I am still in the group coveted by advertisers, that day will soon be coming to an end. Plus, never escaped Cincinnati, Ohio. Happy Birthday by the way, 36 is a great age.

    2. You can't be that much older than me then! :-)

      I LOVE this site! It has quickly become my favorite. Keep up the awesome work!

  2. Adam,

    Are there any undie pics of you on this site? I think I speak for many when I say we'd all love to see our Webby in his tighty whities!

    1. While I don't think a pic of me in underwear would necessarily scare people who saw it, I also don't think it would be seen as a major attraction. I'll leave the pic posting to Captain Cold1.

  3. Ric Hochet is a Franco-Belgian comic book hero. It was the one that turned me of the most when I was a teenager.
    These images deserve some explanation : (Will be deleted after 1 month)

    The adventures of this detective journalist weren't so exciting. The hero often appeared shirtless, but rarely more. I read all the episodes, I had only seen one image of him in his underwear : plain white boxer shorts, partly hidden by a towel. The image was poor but I never forgot it and found it again.

    For several years, new episodes have appeared with new authors. And from the first episode, they gave a more adult tone, giving him a romantic (and sexual) affair and stripping him more. Most magazines noticed that Ric Hochet was seen for the first time in classic white briefs. In addition, the sequence is rather long and takes place in public.
    The hero is stripped naked again in another episode where he joins the army.
    And the next episode, to be released in a few days, takes place at the beach, he wears a red speedo.
    The teenager in me couldn't have dreamed of anything better, even if he waited 40 years to be satisfied.
