Kris McDowall - Matriarch



  1. Nice scene. The full movie is here. The scene begins at 45’.

    1. Link doesn't work in America. Do they show anymore scenes with him in his underwear? like before he got tied up?

    2. Before he get's tied up he's in a fight with the guy who/s now wearing his clothes, who was buried alive after being stripped naked by the sons of the matriarch, it's available on Amazon in the US

    3. No. To summarize. They are secondary characters. We discover them smoking a joint, in the middle of nowhere, next to a tent. The third guy is a nice one. He was kidnapped, knocked out, stripped naked (Full plain boxers off) and buried alive by bad guys. Finaly, he manages to extract himself, flees and only finds a piece of cloth to cover his genitals. When he finds them, he begs them for help: a call, clothes, an orientation… They refuse and call him a psychopath. He gets angry and confronts them both. The confrontation with the second guy is too short, but I have the impression that at one point his jogging goes down his legs (You can hardly see anything.) The scene stops and start again with the screencaps we see. He leaves and we never see these guys again.
