Jerry O'Connell - test

I have mentioned before that I lighten a lot of pictures on here because they seem dark when I cap them from the source material. I'm starting to wonder if this is just my computer screen. My question is it worth the time to do this? Look at these lightened pics from Jerry O'Connell and the original caps from a few posts back. Better? Worse? Waste of time? 


  1. I honestly think it doesn't look worse but it's not a major improvement. Its not that both sets of photos are extremely dark but the shadows are very dark so it looks like part of his arms are missing. Both versions look very similar however these ones have more of a yellow tint. So if it took a long time to edit the photos it may not be worth it. All n all both are SeXy.

  2. Jerry O'Connell in tighty whities. Gotta love it! Even better: He's a briefs man!
