Silent Library - "Dust Storm" - MTV

"Silent Library' started out popular on the blog but seems to have a diminishing rate of returns for each posting (I do check to see what postings get viewed/checked/commented on). Figured I would give it one final chance to redeem itself or just retire these particular clips. (I may have just already posted the most attractive guys).


  1. Well the last one was a wedgie one, so no full briefs action which made it less appealing. Also, thought it was kind of funny, the brown haired guy in the checkered shirt was the one from the "leaf blower" post.

    1. oh yeah, last one sucked (wedgie 0ne) ... really just included it cause it was 3oh3! and I think the main singer is attractive)... that is why I made it a two-fer. Just general decline in people looking at them ... like I said I probably burned out the best looking guys early on. Whenever I do two or 3 part posts (say on Milo V. from "That's my boy") the 2nd or third post always gets way fewer views. I probably overdo the amount of pics I post.

    2. Yeah it can be a little much. There are probably some good looking guys still I mean somebody was in their undies like every other episode. I remember the first episode has a nerdy-in-a-cute-way strip down real quick to green briefs real quick to put on tiny golden shorts. Kinda interesting because usually they have the guys in the stock tighty whities but it seems like here those were his underwear.
      And yeah the lead guy from 3OH!3 is pretty hot. Have you capped the "Don't Trust Me" video? At the start there in orange briefs and later are in like loincloths with briefs.

  2. FWIW - you do not OVERDO the amount of pics. :-)

  3. Why the fuck do a lot of the posts from Silent Library have very obvious jockstraps under their white briefs?? Its so odd that they do that. Why I wonder?!

    1. They all have jockstraps under the briefs ... even in some shots of the guys in jeans (that never strip down) you can see they are wearing jocks. I think (guess) it's because if they get chosen to do anything there is a decent chance they are going to get hit in the groin area so they just have them all wear them.

  4. dunno hot i missed this, but hot, and yes please keep posting the silent library clips. they are some of my favs
