Zach Braff - "Scrubs" s.5 ep.1 - TV

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  1. still with the hands! but at least we can see his backside. ;)

    1. I thought of your prior hand comment when I posted these! I think it is kind of sexy when a guy covers his font like Zach does cause I like embarrassment scenes in indies

  2. For me the Holy Grail of all white briefs movies is 1986 Fire with Fire. Not to be confused w 2012 Bruce Willis flick of same name. It is a modern Romeo Juliet tale. Dude is incarcerated at some kind of juvenile delinquent prison work camp. Falls in love with girl at neighboring Catholic girls school. Keeps running off at night to go meet here in the woods. NIGHT TIME ROLL CALLS IN PRISON BARRACKS of young studs roused from sleep and lined up in tightly whitiest. BONUS: tons of scenes of young dudes out on work crew in wife beaters. And chicks in plaid Catholic skirts. If that's ur thing.

    1. This scene is on the site. And I agree with you it is a GREAT scene.
