Daniel Craig pt. 2 - Love is the Devil

I was surprised the first post of Craig didn't get more love than it did. The man spent 1/3 of the movie in his briefs for you damnit!!! Debated whether to post the rest of them but what the heck ... I am a completionist. See the pic below? Don't make Daniel use the belt on you! I knew it would be hard for anyone to follow the rock post.


  1. the tighty whities is too loose on his butt, kind of look like boxers

    1. Definitely briefs. The movie is set in the 1960's so the briefs are more full cut.

  2. Classic white briefs. The best.

    1. I'm really liking what you're saying!!

  3. I just don't find Daniel Craig sexy. I'm probably in the minority but he just does nothing for me, even in white briefs.

    1. I wouldn't say he does nothing for me but I am with you I don't find him very sexy either. These briefs aren't my favorite either; I like the more popular two fly front briefs. I like mid-rise but baggy briefs on a man that you don't find really attractive doesn't turn me on.

    2. Yeah, I think I mentioned that I didn't quite get the clamor for Daniel Craig, but I have to admit this movie helped me to "get it" a bit more. Not just the underwear scene, but seeing him play a more vulnerable character (I only saw him as James Bond prior) made him a bit more attractive to me.

    3. Sean Connery is my favorite James Bond he fit the part the best. Roger Moore was good as well. I saw a photo once of Sean Connery in the same type of undergarments before.

    4. He's surely wearing Mark & Spencer Y-fronts. In sixtys were typical.
