Mark Patton - Nightmare on Elm Street 2

So much has been written about the gay subtext (or at times, simply text) in this film I'm not going to bother going over it again. If you are interested this article pretty much sums it up,'s%20Revenge.htm
If you don't feel like reading the article, maybe this will give you a hint of things to come as the male lead performs a dance early in the film. In a somewhat recent "Nightmare" documentary the writer of the film finally admitted the gay subtext was intentional but the director and other actors apparently weren't aware of it (Mark Patton, being gay in real life, may have had a bit more awareness than the other actors in the film).


  1. Give me a break people the 80's itself was GAY. I like it GAY! Shorts were actually short, the hair was bigger, skimpier underwear like briefs were more often on a man and yes the men wore make up too. If that's not GAY I don't know what is. The 80's what a magical time.

    1. Well, sure, but theres gay, and then there is "Nightmare on Elm Street 2" which is gay on steroids (not that there is anything wrong with that).
