Greg Garrity - Silent Library - MTV

Occasionally MTV would have celebrity episodes of "silent library" but it seemed like, for the most part, they didn't strip down to tighty whities. So I give Greg Garrity, drummer for Teenage pop-punk band Anarbor major props for doing it up right. I have to admit, I also think it is cute how he is obviously somewhat embarrassed and keeps in hands over his crotch in every shot he can.


  1. Hell I think he just wanted to block the pencils from his crotch

    1. Yeah, but even before he got in the pencil device he continually keeps his hands over his crotch. the only time he doesn't is when he needs both hands (like removing his shirt).

  2. Hey Sam, thanks for your comment but I decided to just delete his comment (and our responses) so we don't get sucked into something that will take away from the reason we are here. Appreciate your defense though!
